The echidna's snout is tough enough to break open termite mounds but sensitive enough to feel tiny vibrations.
Bowerbirds can imitate sounds, everything from frogs to other birds.
Wallabies are part of the kangaroo family known as macropods, which means "big feet." They use those feet and muscular legs in a form of locomotion called saltation—they hop.
The face feathers of Gouldian finches can be one of three colors: 70 to 80% are black, 20 to 30% are scarlet, and gold is very rare.
When a male cockatoo drums with a stick on the side of its hollow-log nest, the sounds can be heard more than 100 yards away.
Adult kookaburras pair for life and use the same nest hole each year, with four or five of their grown offspring helping to feed and raise the chicks.
Koala joeys eat their mother's poop in order to obtain the bacteria koalas need in their gut to digest eucalyptus leaves.
Male koalas leave messages for other koalas by rubbing a sticky, smelly substance from their chest onto trees.
A male koala's loud, reverberating bellow sounds like a mixture of a motorcycle revving and a pig snorting.